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Asuka - My Girls Series

Asuka - My Girls Series

  • Product: 1/4 BJD
Price: $309.00

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With 1/6 30cm Height TNB-02 Body

Asuka - My Girls Series

Asuka is a slim 1/4 scale ball jointed doll casted in environmental resin. Doll is pictured in Normal Pink skin. Doll is pictured in White skin. You Also could choose the 1/6 30cm height TNB-02 Body, but it can be chosen 2019.3.18-2019.6.18. 

With 1/4 MFB-04:
- Blank Doll: $309.00
- Doll with full make-up: $367.00
- Fullset Doll: $492.00

With 1/6 30cm height TNB-02:
- Blank Doll: $273.00
- Doll with full make-up: $333.00
- Fullset Doll: $423.00

Body: http://www.aimeraidoll.com/14-girl-body-mfb04-p-590.html
TNB-02 Body: http://www.aimeraidoll.com/16-neutrual-body-tnb02-p-593.html
Asuka Head: http://www.aimeraidoll.com/asuka-head-p-592.html

Basic Doll, (nude doll blank or with face-up), includes the following: 
- Box
- Carrying Bag
- Random eyes (dolls with make-up only)
- Birth Card

Fullset doll  includes the following: 
- Box
- Carrying Bag
-  Acrylic eyes (dolls with make-up only)
- Birth Card
- Top
- Mini Skirt
- Apron
- Head Wear
- Choker
- Socks
- Shoes (dolls with 1/4 MFB-04 only)
- Wig

Doll Measurements:
1/4 MFB-04:
- Height (with head): 42cm
- Head Circumference: 19cm
- Eyes: 18mm
- Neck Circumference: 7cm
- Shoulder Width: 5.3cm
- Arm Length: 13cm
- Chest Circumference: 16.5cm
- Waist Circumference: 12.5cm
- Hip Circumference: 17.5cm
- Thigh Circumference: 10cm
- Leg Length: 23.5cm
- Foot Length: 5.2cm

1/6 30cm Height TNB-02:
- Height (with head): 30cm
- Head Circumference: 19cm
- Eyes: 18mm
- Neck Circumference: 6cm
- Shoulder Width: 7cm
- Arm Length: 11cm
- Chest Circumference: 14cm
- Waist Circumference: 12.8cm
- Hip Circumference: 16cm
- Thigh Circumference: 9cm
- Leg Length: 13.5cm
- Foot Length: 4cm

Resin Colors:
- White Skin
- Normal Pink Skin

Asuka is copyrighted with the United States Copyright Office, case pending.